Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Puzzle Guide Part 3

The next puzzle is an optional one and will only be encountered if you choose to or failed a previous check. This one is a keypad puzzle and looks very much like a the numberpad on your keyboard (unless you're using a laptop that is).

Anyways, here's what the keypad puzzle looks like


The Knight is exiled from from the Central Kingdom and makes his way north-west before wanderlust claims his heart and he travels across the lands, making his way south first, visiting each land once.

Looking at the keypad, the central kingdom obviously refers to the number 5 and after being exiled, moves to the number 7. After that, he moves south, visiting each land once. Obviously this means 4 right?

Of course not! It's a puzzle so it needs a little more trickery than that. After all, it is a Knight who's moving around the keypad and as everyone knows, Knights make L-jumps. From 7, there's only one place for the Knight to go to and I will leave the rest of the jumps to your plotting since there's only one way for the Knight to move.

TLDR, the answer is 572943816


  1. I've tried a couple different combinations. Just can't seem to figure this one out.

    1. The answer is at the bottom of the page. You just need to highlight the text since it's the same color as the background.

  2. What's the answer because I tried 57412 and that's not it

    1. Knights move in an L-jump in chess. You start in 5, are forcibly moved to 7. The only L-jump that can be made from 7 is 2. From there, you have only one available L-jump since you can only visit each square once. Repeat this until you have covered each square once.
